Mediation Mindset

The blog post below is summarized text from our podcast with Alice Shikina, “Mediation Settlement Negotiations: Dealing with Emotional Stress”. You can listen here.

In mediation, it is important to meet people where they are, acknowledging and addressing their anxiety and stress. It can be helpful to meet with parties separately before a joint session to build trust and allow them to express their fears and concerns. As a negotiation coach, it is also helpful to provide strategies to prepare for the session, such as considering what each side needs, what can be conceded, and what can be traded. The goal is to create win-win solutions that may not be purely financial, but can still be emotionally satisfying. Reframing issues and continually working towards compromise can lead to successful outcomes.

Mediation is a process that helps people resolve conflicts outside of court. It involves a neutral third party who facilitates the conversation between the parties to help them reach a settlement that works for everyone. But what is the most important factor in getting to that settlement? According to Alice, a negotiation coach and mediator, it all starts with your mindset.

Your mindset, or the way you think about the situation, is the key to getting to a settlement. If you go into the mediation thinking that there's no way it will settle, you will make decisions that lead you further away from a settlement. On the other hand, if you tell yourself that you will get to a settlement, even if you don't fully believe it, you will make decisions that lead you towards it.

Alice emphasizes that you can't get to a settlement if you don't believe in yourself. It's important to train your brain to think positively before the mediation, saying things like "We're going to get to a settlement" out loud. Even if you're dealing with someone who is pessimistic, you can still reframe the situation for them and help them get to a settlement.

In conclusion, mindset is the most important factor in getting to a settlement in mediation. By thinking positively and believing in yourself, you can make decisions that lead you towards a settlement rather than away from it. And even if you're dealing with someone who is pessimistic, you can still help them get to a settlement by reframing the situation for them. So next time you're in a mediation, remember that your mindset is the key to success.


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